Frequently asked questions
(Answered by Kuldeep M Pai)
* On what basis do you select the children?
* How can we reach you? Are you able to manage your emails, phone calls and so on?
* We are very happy to see you introducing new singers in your 'Vande Guru Paramparaam' series. But are we going to miss the old talents in your production?
* "Kuldeep ji... why are you not releasing videos often?"
* Can we dance to these lovely tracks from 'Vande Guru Paramparaam' or use them for other purposes?
Do you take classes?
Please note that, with Bhagavan’s grace, this journey is beyond regular ‘music classes or online tuitions’! I don't conduct any classes nor do I have a musical school or institution. ‘Vande Guru Paramparaam’ is an ‘ajna/agya’ (instruction) from Higher Source and from my Gurus and accordingly I am bringing the right children together for this divine cause, mentoring them and presenting them to the world! This journey has a Higher Purpose of giving joy and peace to many across the globe! All the children featured in ‘Vande Guru Paramparaam’ are learning from other Gurus.
On what basis do you select the children?
It’s pure intuition! I don’t go for just talents. I am not inspired by them. In a few seconds, we can see whether the spiritual seed is there in the little ones which can be further enhanced. More than making them a successful musician, I would love to be an instrument in making them a wonderful ‘jeeva’ (being) in this process. So, there is no audition. Not in a mind-frame to entertain any recommendations too. I am getting a lot of them. Right little-ones reach me at the right time, when I need them! 12 releases per year is happening and I have to fit in the right ones into this process!
How can we reach you? Are you able to manage your emails, phone calls and so on?
I am deliberately out of all these. I have chosen to live in a beautiful solitude. This blissful silence is giving me all the creative inputs and that is seen as a successful musical output. So, I request all of u to love the divine music that emerges out of this process and request everyone to kindly understand the need for silence. This is a humble request. (Please note that I do reply a few comments on YouTube & FB).
We are very happy to see you introducing new singers in your 'Vande Guru Paramparaam' series. But are we going to miss the old talents in your production?
I see this entire process as ‘Vande Guru Paramparaam’. More than individuals I always wish to highlight the treasures given to us by our Rishi Parampara.
Many of the talented singers like Kum. Sooryagayathri, Master Rahul Vellal, Kum Bhavya Ganapathi and Master Raghuram Manikandan are always my dearest. They have got the best from this spiritual musical series and they are indeed flying high in their musical journey. I have become a beautiful instrument in moulding them at their best age and they have evolved and grabbed many things in this process. They are now grown-up and are exploring their paths.
Our country is full of talents, and I believe I need to bring more of them, teach them the nuances of many things, and thus through them, bring out many treasures. We should definitely allow some time for the new children too, to get into that groove.
‘Kuldeep ji... why are you not releasing videos often?’
I just felt this answer inside my heart and here it is as a quatrain!
‘What next?’ is a blank slate!
Sigh! but not a race!
Fill it up with grace!
The Highest you embrace!
This journey for me, is an inner journey, in search of Truth and happily abiding in that bliss! Quantity doesn’t inspire me. Quality does. Commercial intrusions suffocate me. Freedom is my oxygen.
With grace, transcending both and going beyond.
All love to all beings,
Can we dance to these lovely tracks from 'Vande Guru Paramparaam' or use them for other purposes?
Please note the following points:
Each track from ‘Vande Guru Paramparaam’ is a Tapas and is exclusively intended for ‘shravanam’ (listening).
Due to a variety of factors, our team is compelled to be stringent in curbing the tracks used for other purposes, including the usage of original audio track or video track for live performances or the creation of additional videos.
Our legal team has been diligently monitoring the illegal uploads too and have removed many of them by reporting and issuing notices.
A gentle, humble reminder to those who are willing to pay - Please know that these tracks are PRICELESS!
We are forced to do this for a number of reasons. Thank you for your understanding.
My humble gratitude to all of you.