Years ago, a burning vision ignited my journey: to embark on an intense inward journey with music as tool, while, sharing its pristine beauty with both ‘pandits’ and the masses alike!
I chose to exit the mainstream music scene, rejecting the limitations imposed by a few individuals, organisations and the music companies! Dependency, I knew, was pain! My heart knew music held deeper truth and potential, as embodied in the timeless compositions of great Mahatmas, born from their intense spiritual Tapas. I yearned to delve deeper into this Highest Essence!
YouTube came in as ‘Devata-Swarupa’, allowing me to share my inner visions with the world! Spiritual Gurus offered wisdom and guidance at every stage! The voices of innocence – our children – expressed this vision through their sweet melodies, untainted by the world. Behind the scenes, a small yet mighty team worked tirelessly with grace and dedication. With honeybees’ eagerness, you all gathered to drink in the radiance of this nectar-journey!
With humble hearts, we celebrate 3 Million musical family members with 1.35 billion (135 crore) original views! Yet, the true treasure lies in the heart-to-heart connection through Music!
Gratitude overflows!
Loads of love,
Kuldeep M Pai.